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What Causes PCB Failure

o-leading.com o-leading.com 2017-06-22 10:02:08
PCB failure occurs whenever there is a disturbance that affects your printed circuit board; it can be caused by many different variants. The usual cause is moisture, heat and dirt. It may be difficult to avoid, but as much as possible to do the best. In addition, factors such as prototyping problems, assembly errors, and invalid circuits can cause discrete or power supply components to malfunction, as well as trace damage to the printed circuit board failure.

Prototype issues or first run issues can sometimes play a role in the malfunction of your PCB.  For example, if they are missing traces or vias your PCB will not be able to function properly.  The following have also been known to cause disruptions in PCBs, traces are too small, noise, incorrect pad sizes or footprints, mechanical fit and placement of mounting features all play a role in the malfunctioning PCB.

Assembly errors are also among the evils that cause failures.  Such as the wrong PCB manufacturer, change of materials and layers, will affect the PCB and place an entire project at risk.  Additional causes may also be placing the component in backwards, components installed in the wrong place, bent leads, cold solder joints, no solder, solder mask problems, defective, out of tolerance, mismarked components, and a marginal circuit design.  These can all lead to PCB failure right out of the gate as well as a lot of aggravation and frustration. Another issue can be circuits that were not validated such as sixteen volts in a twenty-four-volt power supply.

Discrete component failure can occur through the natural aging process, overheating, and electrical surges, risers in ESR values, and corrosion and drying.

Power component failure can occur through aging, electrical surges, and overheating.

Trace damage failure can occur through electrical surges, lightening, inappropriate assembly, and metallic dust.

There a many factor’s that can play a part in your printed circuit boards failure. They can be simplified into two categories, environmental and manufacturing.  Making sure you chose a reputable pcb manufacturer in china will help ensure that you receive the Custom Circuit Boards china. Contact Printed Circuit Board PCB Manufacturing Company to find out how they can help you.